Exchange / Cooperation

Visiting scholars from institutions worldwide regularly come to our University and pilot areas to know our activities, meet local land managers, and eventually engaging in MOSAICO. If you are interested in any short of collaboration just email us. Here you can find examples of joint work:

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Exchange Programmes


Mosaico Net

MOSAICO-NET, an international cooperation network of mosaic landscapes, has just been established. Besides our team, partners from Portugal, Italy, France and Germany, take part of an initiative aimed at demonstrating the variety of ecosystem services provided by mosaics, including fire prevention. The network has also submitted a project proposal to the call Fostering Agroecology at farm and landscape levels.

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Asociación Propietarios Forestales Valle del Árrago

Prof. Hans Pretzsch (Technical University of Munich, Germany) and Prof. Felipe Bravo (University of Valladolid, Spain) met the Association of Forest Owners in Valle del Árrago (Extremadura) to know current preventive landscape management after 2023 megafire. The Association is an active collaborator of MOSAICO


Resist Project

As part of the project RESIST’s project Exchange of Experience Event (, MOSAICO team visited pilot areas in Coimbra and Medio Tejo regions of central Portugal. The trip was led by partners of University of Coimbra and Forestwise to show current project initiatives and explore future cooperation.

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Prof. Plieninger & Mosaic

Prof. Tobias Plieninger and members of his team from University of Kassel (Germany) spent a week with MOSAICO in Las Hurdes (Extremadura) to assess the potential of cultural landscapes and engage in a focus group with local stakeholders.


In Valle del Árrago

Leaders of the Project for Strenghtening Forest Ecosystems in Extremadura (Spain), together with the main representatives of the regional government, visited pilot area of MOSAICO in Valle del Árrago. Dr. Juan Carlos Giménez from UEX explained our work there with emphasis on hydrological aspects after 2023 megafire. 

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Researchers from the PHOENIX project on The Rise of Citizen Voices for a Greener Europe held a workshop in Hoyos (a municipality involved in MOSAICO) as part of a participatory process with stakeholders from the Gata-Malcata pilot region (Spain-Portugal). MOSAICO is part of the Territorial Commission for Co-Design leading this process.


Mosaico Cultura

MOSAICO-CULTURA, a three-day yearly event promoting the cultural side of mosaico landscapes, took place in Acebo (Sierra de Gata, Spain). The event included several technical workshops, a farmer market with local landscape products, and field trips as the one shown in the photo of Las Hurdes region.

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IBG Annual International Conference, London

Our team presented am invited talk at the Royal Geographical Society – IBG Annual International Conference, London 2023, with the title “MOSAICO: A long-term project for megafire prevention through participatory agrosilvopastoralism in Extremadura, Spain”.