MOSAICO is funded through multiple projects financed in public calls related to proactive (landscape-level) wildfire prevention and related ecosystem services. In this section you can access our specific projects and download the main scientific and technical outputs
RESIST is a five-year EU-funded project that has emerged from the need to make regions more resilient to climate change. The effects of environmental changes are a reality affecting our societies in many ways. We need to adapt to the current and predicted effects of climate change by taking action.
Resilient landscape in the face of large wildfires:
Emergency response, enhanced interoperability, operational and social capacity building in the face of climate change.
This project aims to develop large-scale measures to prevent forest fires, preserve biodiversity, increase forest resilience, empower decision-makers regarding the benefits of prevention, as well as identify a set of options and measures for local adaptation that will allow us to identify and suggest actions to reduce current and future territorial vulnerability in the region.
The Main Goal of Desert-Adapt is to demonstrate innovative climate adaption strategies and technologies to improve land quality, soil conservation and plant support for private and public lands in Mediterranean areas under desertification risk.
Fire-Smart Territories: a proof of concept based on Mosaico approach (Landscape Ecology 2023)
Managing Wildfire Risk in Mosaic Landscapes: A Case Study of the Upper Gata River Catchment in Sierra de Gata, Spain (Land 2022)
Collaborative agroforestry to mitigate wildfires in Extremadura, Spain: land manager motivations and perceptions of outcomes, benefits, and policy needs (Agroforestry Systems 2022)
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